4.5吋 Super AMOLED Plus 屏幕、Android 2.3、HSPA+、1.2Ghz 處理器.jpg


Samsung 2月13日在MWC發佈新一代旗艦 Android 手機

Samsung 即將推出新一代的旗艦機已經是意料中事,而 Samsung 也在其 Samsung Unpacked 網站上表示其將於 2月13日在MWC 會場上有所公佈,Samsung 在網站上明確指出將為我們帶來 Samsung Galaxy S 的演變。Samsung 提到 "Something Big is coming",所以屏幕應該會更大吧!當然 Samsung 在 MWC2011 到底發表什麼,仍然是一個謎,但我們相信 2月13日公佈的新手機,應該不會較早前在 CES2011 上出現的Samsung Infuse 4G 差(4.5吋 Super AMOLED Plus螢幕、Android 2.3、HSPA+、1.2Ghz 處理器),而且我們這次應該可以動手玩了吧!

Super AMOLED Plus

Samsung's Super AMOLED Plus displays are an upgrade to the company's first generation Super AMOLED. The new displays offer 50% more sub-pixels, and in fact use regular RGB matrix (as opposed to the Pentile Matrix used in the first generation displays). More sub pixels mean a better resolution: the new displays offer more than 300ppi - almost like the iPhone 4 Retina Display. Samsung claims that the new displays also feature improvements in contrast and outdoor readability. Super AMOLED Plus was announced in CES 2011, together with the first phone to sport these displays - the Infuse 4G. The display is a 4.5" one, the largest AMOLED Samsung ever made.

Samsung to show new Super AMOLED Plus phones in February

Super AMOLED Plus


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